
Current Community Dunbarton projects are:

Fifth Annual Energy Expo

The Dunbarton Energy Committee and Community Dunbarton are sponsoring the Central NH Energy Expo  2019 on April 6th at the Dunbarton Elementary School Gym.

Jim Stone Community Woodbank

Community Dunbarton is beginning to organize a community wood bank named in honor of Jim Stone who contributed to the community spirit of Dunbarton all of his life. Join us.


Community Dunbarton is interested in a mapping project to produce a series of Town Maps that show historic sites, schools, town buildings, recreation areas, businesses, people resources, and other areas of town interest.

With the Library, we have produced a Town Map showing Town buildings and schools which is now available and on sale at the Dunbarton Library.

We will soon begin a project to map Dunbarton businesses and provide an on-line directory.

We hope to include a mapping project with Dunbarton Elementary School children.

Library Film Series:

Transition Dunbarton and the Dunbarton Library are sponsoring a Film series at the Library. These films are environmentally friendly films and documentaries that reinforce the themes that Transition Dunbarton supports.

Town Profile:

The Community Profile is a process by which communities take stock of where they are today and develop an action plan for how they want to operate in the future.

Transition Dunbarton and the Town Selectman  sponsored a “Community Profile”.  This meeting was supported and facilitated by the UNH Cooperative Extension. The Community Profile Steering committee held the meeting on May 1st-2nd, 2015 and presented the report to the Selectmen in the Fall. The CP report provides community input to the town Master Plan process.

More CP information ->