The Jim Stone Community Wood Bank has a supply of donated wood for heating emergencies involving town residents. Community Dunbarton collects donated burnable wood and stores it at the Transfer Station. Volunteers cut and split the wood. Our first batch of wood is from the trees cut down by the cemetery. We are soliciting donations from homeowners along any road where Eversource has been trimming its power lines
The Jim Stone Community Wood Bank provides firewood for Dunbarton residents through the Town Welfare Office. A small amount is available for this winter’s emergencies. Please contact Deb Donahue-Urella at the Town Office if you have need of wood this winter.
This is an ongoing project as wood is processed for a Fall 2018 distribution. Anyone is encouraged to lend a hand in the wood processing effort. Watch the Dunbarton Door community news section of the Merrimack Valley Voice for an announcement of the next volunteer work party. Come and help us split wood.
For information or questions, email